November 28, 2021

The Shift: Embracing a Fifth Dimensional Template in the Third Dimensional Reality

The Shift: Embracing a Fifth Dimensional New Earth Template in the Third Dimensional Reality

We are living in an extraordinary time. Our beautiful planet is ascending and undergoing a shift to a higher level of consciousness. A spiritual awakening is taking place and we are moving into the fifth-dimensional template of the New Earth, so that we can all live at a higher frequency of love, wisdom, co-operation, peace and freedom. We currently live in a Third Dimensional reality and the transformation we are going through will take us to the Fifth Dimensional reality. These dimensions are not actual places but rather they are states of consciousness. In fact, this whole shift is about an elevation of consciousness and a journey into the Fifth Dimension.

What is the Third Dimensional (3D) Reality?

The current Third Dimensional reality runs of rigid beliefs and regulations. It is based in fear and separation falling into patterns of competition, conflict, and lack of harmony. Most of existence here is need and want based and is anchored in duality of right and wrong, good and bad as well as limiting constructs.

What is the Fifth Dimensional (5D) Template for the New Earth?

The template of Fifth Dimensional living is all about unconditional love, oneness, and understanding that we are all the same, divine sparks having a human existence. Leaving judgment behind and embracing and celebrating the uniqueness of each being, respecting and honoring existence, be it human, animal or plant, are all part of this new level of consciousness. Here we wake up, heal and ascend.

Imagine a world where you are accepted exactly as you are, where there is compassion and peace and where you live in harmony with nature. A world where we all work together for the greatest good of all, and where greed and anger have no place? A world where there is joy, happiness, and abundance for all. The more of us that wake up and commit to living a life aligned with higher values, the higher becomes the vibration of the whole planet. Higher vibration brings about acceleration, so it’s not a coincidence that more and more of us are experiencing spiritual awakening and expansion of consciousness. It’s like a snowball, gaining more and more momentum as it goes. Those of us who resonate with the new vibration are being guided into transcendental experiences where we are supposed to wake up. We lose our old identities and unhealthy attachments. We transform into the divine beings we forgot we were.

What is Spiritual Awakening and Moving Into The Fifth Dimension?

Spiritual awakening comprises of unprecedented experiences of freedom and expansion as well as challenges and rapid transformation. The awakening can be spontaneous, but for most they are triggered by major life challenges or traumatic experiences. Once they manifest, everything that doesn’t serve the person’s greatest good needs to be transformed into a higher vibration. Many go through experiences of loss and loneliness. Pains and challenges usually accompany new beginnings, but in the end, it is so worth it. These life lessons are blessings in disguise, increasing your vibration and accelerating your spiritual journey through growth and transformation. When you allow the awakening process to take its natural course, you change in many ways. First there will be changes within, and then your whole outer life will follow the lead. Your perspective changes and then your surroundings become more aligned with who you really are and your divine life purpose. You begin to live in alignment with your soul’s purpose. Many of us are going through this beautiful, transformational process and expansion of consciousness right now, and many more will follow. One thing is certain, our way of life is changing very fast, and this change can no longer be contained.

How Life Changes When We Awaken and Embrace The Fifth Dimensional (5D) Template

When you experience spiritual awakening you raise your vibration and live from a higher perspective. Here are a few things of what you can expect when you embrace the fifth dimensional template of the new earth:

  1. You recognize yourself as a Divine being and the creator of your reality and take responsibility for your life.
  2. You live in the now with total awareness and the construct of time, past and future, does not exist.
  3. You know that life is actually happening for you and not to you, and that the Universe supports you.
  4. You see that there is a bigger picture at play. Everything has a reason to be.
  5. You make wiser choices from a higher perspective and experience a sense of fulfillment and joy as you live aligned with your divine blueprint.
  6. You no longer need people or things to make you happy. You understand that happiness is a state of being. Attachments naturally lose their importance and potential loneliness falls away as you discover your divinity.
  7. You attract people with the same vibrational frequency as you. New joyous and fulfilling relationships come into play based on respect, trust and compassion.
  8. You no longer see things as right or wrong, good or bad, but as valid, neutral experiences.
  9. You accept and respect that everyone is on his or her own path, and you honor every being.
  10. Intuition becomes your everyday compass. You no longer look for outside guidance and develop complete trust in your inner voice.
  11. You experience moments of expanded consciousness where you feel connected to everything and everyone. You recognize the Oneness of all that is; you are the ocean and also the individual drop. You live in oneness, yet you maintain your beautiful and unique identity.
  12. Lifestyle changes take place. Your change your diet, the way you exercise and treat your body, and even your living environment, as living closer to nature becomes more important. You choose options, which nourish you and support your growth and expansion.
  13. You discover your life mission and be of service to assist others through the shift.

As we move through this planetary awakening, remember that we are all in this together, at the crossroads of the emergence of a beautiful world where spiritual energy will be the highest that has ever been in the history of our planet. People will have a clear connection with the divine and sparkle with light and happiness. They will live joyously, in total harmony with each other and nature, and there will be abundance for all. They will have amazing spiritual and technological powers and will create a life they truly desire. A Heaven on Earth is emerging. Would you choose to co-create it?

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About the author
Poonam Makar is an empowerment coach, energy alchemist, and ascension guide who leads activating workshops and courses internationally.
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