November 28, 2021

Spiritual Awakening: 11 Ascension Keys to Accelerate the Evolution of Your Soul

Spiritual Awakening: 11 Ascension Keys to Support the Evolution of
Your Soul

The Earth is going through a crucial time of transition, in which every conscious being has a part to play. Our planet is moving into a higher state of consciousness, an ascension journey that requires us to live from a higher perspective instead of being confined by our ego's illusions. As a result, we are experiencing a powerful spiritual awakening process that is assisting us in bringing about the new Golden Age. Ascension is the term used to describe our spiritual awakening. Letting go of old paradigms gives way to an inner rebirth. The old beliefs fall apart as a new understanding of the Self and the world emerge. This process is characterized by an elevation in consciousness and a higher level of awareness, which the following ascension keys can support.

11 Ascension keys

1. Align with your Blueprint

As unique beings, we all have a different divine purpose of fulfilling on the way to Ascension. Recognizing our divinity is the first step into fulfilling our purpose. The patterns of our purpose become apparent when you follow the heart, trusting its guidance. We all have a divine purpose, and once we discover what it is and live in alignment and congruence with it, our ascension journey becomes easier.

2.Communicate with your Celestial Teammates 

We all have a team of beings of light from Higher dimensions supporting us on our journey and guiding us along the way. Angels, Ascended Masters, power animals, unicorns or dragons, and star beings are waiting to assist us. They are always ready to help and guide us; all we have to do is ask for their assistance in unconditional love.

3.Connect With Your Soul and Monad

There are different levels of consciousness coexisting within us. Among them are our Soul (Higher Self) and the Monad. The Soul is the best possible version of yourself on this level of existence. It's the "future you"; who has learned all the possible lessons needed in this reality. The Monad is the best possible version of you of all possible realities, the last stage before returning to God. Connecting to these consciousness's helps increase your light and bring forward the higher aspects of your eternal
being. The Soul and Monad can be accessed, and those on the path of awakening receive its guidance. There are many ways to connect to these energies, but a powerful way to begin this process is to simply use your intent. You can also visualize and strengthen the connection by chanting the "I Am" Mantras channeled by Alice Bailey from Djwhal Khul.

4.Recognize That You Are The Creator Of Your Reality

Self-responsibility is one of the key elements of your spiritual awakening. Understanding that you are creating your experiences be they perceived as joyful or challenging, helps you get your power back. This can stop the victimhood and blaming patterns our society is so used to. When we take full responsibility as creators of our experiences, we enhance our spiritual awakening and evolution of consciousness.

5. Be Grateful For Your Challenges

As you move forward in your spiritual awakening journey, you start understanding that challenges are often presented to us in our daily lives as stimulants for our cleansing and purification. Every situation or circumstance is an opportunity for growth and healing, and without them, you would not be able to move forward in your spiritual growth. Challenges are the catalyst for our evolution towards carrying a higher light, and each one brings a lesson or experience relevant to the soul. So start to see challenges as blessings for growth.

6.Be Present In The Moment

The mind keeps us entangled in our past memories or expectations for the future, constantly distracting us from the present moment. But we only exist in the now. When we stay present, we detach from what was and what could be, and we just are. It's in this moment that we can observe ourselves and the world around us without being pulled into it. This is the first step for transformation, and here you have the awareness to choose from a higher perspective how you want to act instead of just reacting.

7.Practice Non-Judgment

Judgment comes from the ego's limited understanding and experience. It is rendered by the illusion that reality is good or bad, right or wrong. However, there is no such duality in the higher states of our consciousness, only acceptance. Therefore, practicing neutrality and acceptance is the first step towards experiencing unconditional love, our true essence.

8.Raise Your Vibration

A raise of the personal vibration always goes hand in hand with a spiritual awakening. Your energy starts vibrating on a higher level, which changes your perspective of yourself and the world you live in. This is a normal process you will go through without even trying. But if you want to move faster in your spiritual journey, here are a few methods you can use to raise your vibration consciously.  Chanting or sound frequency immersion, meditation, expressing gratitude, practicing acts of kindness, detoxing your body, and spending time in nature are effective. Preparing yourself for Ascension takes energy and commitment. Keeping your vibration high through daily practices can be one of the most dynamic keys to building your light body.

9.Visit Sacred Sites

Sacred sites are ancient energetic portals of high-frequency energy. Each site has its own unique high vibrational energy. As we visit, the illuminating energy that infuses these sites we allow a new level of spiritual awareness to awaken in us and elevate our consciousness. Visit these sacred places in person, during meditation, or ask to be taken there in your sleep.

10. Engage In Spiritual Study

Most spiritual knowledge and teachings were either hidden or difficult to access in the past. Much of the information was only passed down to individuals within certain schools and groups. Now there is easy access to information and knowledge. When we study the spiritual teachings that resonate with our hearts, we open a passage for those teachings to become alive within us. As a result, our vibration raises, helping us better understand our journey towards Ascension.

11.Be In Service to Others

As we rise to a higher state of consciousness, we step out of our limited reality and realize that a web of light connects us all. The desire to be of service to others naturally increases as compassion expands in our hearts. We start doing whatever is for the highest good of all concerned and shining our light in the purest and most natural way. Our spiritual awakening is a journey without a set destination. As you shift our consciousness and awaken to who you we truly are, you begin to live from a higher perspective and an elevated consciousness. Here, you become aware that you are a drop in the ocean and the ocean itself. You begin to be living in unity consciousness and oneness with all that is.

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About the author
Poonam Makar is an empowerment coach, energy alchemist, and ascension guide who leads activating workshops and courses internationally.
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