November 28, 2021

Invoking Angels !! 7 Ways to Ask for Guidance from the Angels

Invoking Angels: 7 Ways on How to Ask Your Angels for Guidance

Angels are wonderful, celestial beings of light who reside in the higher dimensions and are messengers of God. They are always on an assignment to deliver specific messages, grant answers to prayers, and guide us on our life's path. You can call on them for help in all areas of your life… relationships, career, health, finances, spiritual development, and more.

Anything that helps us be happy and peaceful, no matter how large or small, is something they are always willing to assist us with. However, we have to ask for their assistance before the angels can help because they honor the Law of Free Will through which humans operate. Thus, they cannot intervene in our lives unless called upon, with the only exception being a life-threatening situation before our time.

How to connect with angels is simple. The first thing you need to do is, open your heart and raise your frequency. This enhances your ability and sensitivity to connect. Next, you want to make sure you open an energetic pathway to connect and communicate with these beautiful, celestial beings from the Angelic Realm.

Once you tune in, here are seven ways of how to connect with angels:

1.Talk To Them Aloud

Find a quiet, peaceful place where you won't be disturbed and talk to the angels about what you would like their guidance and assistance with. You can speak to them about anything that crosses your mind, including your deepest fears and desires. When communicating with the angels this way, it's important to focus on speaking to them you would with a friend in the same room with you.

Ask them for help, and don't forget to ask them to open you to receive their messages.

2. Call On Them Mentally 

Just as you ask your angels for help aloud, you can communicate with them mentally. Silently ask your angels for guidance and support. It's as simple as "Angels I need help with…... Please step in and help and guide me." They will hear you and be with you instantly.

 3. Prayer

You can establish communication with the angels through prayer. While meditation allows you to listen to angels, prayer lets you speak to angels directly. They take your prayers to Source. For Example, Beloved Archangel, please take my prayer to Source. Add your prayer.

4. Visualize Their Presence Around You

It is possible to contact the angels with the inner eyes through visualization. When you hold a mental image of angels all around you, you are tuning in to a powerful way to engage with them. For example, if you're feeling unwell, visualize angels all around you flowing healing energy into you.

Before this exercise, you want to ensure you are in a relaxed mood. Close your eyes and center yourself, and see them around. If you know any particular angel or desire to call in one specific archangel, you can focus on them during your visualization exercise. Open your heart to whatever you receive, and let your intuition guide you.

5. Affirm That They Are Around You

Another way you can enhance your communication with the angels is to affirm that they are with you. Affirmations are powerful exercises for manifesting your desires and creating your realities. Say an affirmation of gratitude for their presence and assistance, and they will hear your request. For example, "Archangel Michael thank you for protecting" me
or "Thank you, angels, for helping me to heal my relationship with my

You can affirm for a particular archangel for any specific role or just affirm that the angels are around for the purpose that you want. You can combine this with visualization exercises and strengthen your connection with the angels in no time.

6. Write A Letter To Them

When trying to connect with the angels, one of the ways you can achieve it is by writing a letter to them. Writing about any subject helps you shine the light on that issue and invites the angels into your space. Pour your heart out in a letter, and it will reach them. While writing, be specific about what you want the angels to assist you with. Once you have written the letter, make sure to ask them for help. Simply say or write, "Angels, please help me to resolve this. Thank you". You can place this letter on your altar or a windowsill and let them know.

7. Dream Work: Before going to bed, explain the situation to the angels

and send a loving message asking them to communicate with you through a dream. They appear in your dreams and give guidance. Even if they don't appear during that same night, they have heard your message and will show up over the coming days.  It would help if you kept a pen and notebook in your bed so you could write down the messages your angels bring you in your sleep.

7. Use an Oracle Deck

Oracle decks can be a great way to connect with the angels effortlessly. You communicate with your angels and receive angelic answers and guidance. Maybe you've got a favorite angel deck. You just pick up the deck, shuffle the cards as you ask a question, and pull several cards for a spread. Trust that you will be guided towards the messages the angels want to share with you. Remember to listen to your intuition when doing so.

Remember is not important how you ask for help. Only that you ask is what matters. So ask with love, faith, and gratitude, and they are there for you. Once you invoke them, be on the lookout for the signs. Soon you will establish a relationship with them!

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About the author
Poonam Makar is an empowerment coach, energy alchemist, and ascension guide who leads activating workshops and courses internationally.
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