Poonam Makar is an:
The Access Bars are a set of 32 points of energy that run through and around your head. As each bar is gently touched, you begin to clear the issues and energy locked up in that area of your life, allowing for exponential change to happen. This can be compared to defragmenting a computer's hard drive-deleting old programs that make your power system overloaded and creating more space for the new.
During the 1 Day class, you learn an easy-to-do touch therapy called the Access Bars®, have expansive conversations about creating more in your life, get a manual full of tools and questions, and practice the sessions in the class.
It's beyond words to explain what this class contains and creates. All that can be said is that it truly empowers you to take the lead in your own life like never before. At the end of the class, the participant will receive a Certificate of Completion and be able to offer sessions as a Certified BARS® Practitioner.
These include Having a Greater Financial Reality, Creating Joyous Relationships, Ease with Parenting, Fun with Aging, Communion with Body, and many more.